National Disability Insurance Scheme

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  • 08 Apr 2019

    WA Market Review Submission

    This submission focuses on the development of robust markets for people with psychosocial disability. It is informed by WAAMH’s NDIS Sector Reference Group, comprehensive ongoing engagement with members and psychosocial stakeholders including consumer and carer representative organisations, and WAAMH’s WA Market Review round table event held with David Cullen, Chief Economist to the NDIS, on Tuesday 26 March 2019.

  • 21 Mar 2019

    Media Release: NDIS funding extension welcome but delays still cast doubts in WA

    WESTERN Australia’s peak body for mental health, the Western Australian Association for Mental Health (WAAMH) welcomes today’s announcement from the Federal Government to extend funding for community mental health programs, which support thousands of people with psychosocial disability, while the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is rolled-out in WA.

  • 20 Feb 2019

    WAAMH Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS

    In this submission, WAAMH provides evidence to the committee about some of the most urgent and pressing issues in the context of psychosocial disability and the NDIS in WA, and the scheme's delays here in the west. We request three specific urgent recommendations are made by the committee to support the scheme to reach its objectives for people with psychosocial disability in WA.

  • 12 Dec 2018

    WAAMH influences national NDIS policy through CMHA

    NDIS policy is a national affair. WAAMH’s primary strategy to influence these federal policy settings is to provide advice and channel Western Australian voices to contribute to the work of the community sector’s national peak – Community Mental Health Australia (CMHA).

  • 21 Sep 2018

    NDIS Psychosocial Disability Forum

    Watch Strategic Advisor on Mental Health to the NDIA Dr Gerry Naughtin present on the strategic changes the NDIA is making to improve access to and the experiences of the NDIS for people with psychosocial disability. Dr Naughtin also sets out other elements of the mental health service system and where the NDIS fits into this messy space.

  • 21 Sep 2018

    NDIS Access and Psychosocial Disability Workshop

    Watch Elspeth Jordan, from the NDIA mental health team, explain in depth the NDIS access rules for psychosocial disability (a disability caused by a person’s mental health issues) including what ‘likely to be permanent’ means, and that an episodic mental health issue can still qualify.

  • 10 Aug 2017

    CMHA submission: Position Paper - Productivity Commission on National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs

    CMHA Submission to the NDIS Costs – Productivity Commission Paper states that the point of quality is getting lost in the focus on scheme costs.

  • 05 Dec 2016

    Media Release - Inquiry points to work still to do on NDIS and psycho-social disability

    WHILE the future governance of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Western Australia was recently decided, there are still key issues relating to psycho-social disability under the scheme which need to be addressed.

  • 11 Jul 2016

    WAAMH Submission - Review of the National Disability Advocacy Program

    Informed by the Communities of Practice, WAAMH’s submission to the National Disability Advocacy Program honed in on consumer's, carer's and sector organisation's calls for strong independent advocacy to be available for people wishing to access the NDIS. It supported Consumers of Mental Health WA (CoMHWA)’s recommendation for peer advocacy to be a form of advocacy specifically recognised by the program.

  • 16 Nov 2015

    Submission to the Commissioning of the Information, Capacity Building and Linkages Framework

    WAAMH thanks all participants for their valued involvement in our survey and consultation workshop, which yielded a wealth of information that we were able to utilise in a document which supports the position on maintaining the strength of Partners in Recovery and other mental health programs.