About us
Our Mission
The Western Australian Association for Mental Health (WAAMH) is the peak body for community mental health in Western Australia.
Our membership comprises community-managed organisations providing mental health services, programs or supports and people and families with lived experience of mental health issues and suicide, with whom WAAMH engages in genuine partnership. We also engage with a wide network of collaborative relationships at a state and national level with individuals, organisations and community members who share our values and objectives.
WAAMH influences community attitudes, mental health priorities, policy and practice through mental health promotion, systemic advocacy and development so Western Australians have the rights, resources and support needed for mental wellbeing, recovery, and citizenship.
Leadership, Representation & Advocacy
Informing, leading and advocating locally and nationally for effective mental health policy.
Development & Capacity Building
Developing the capacity of services, organisations and individuals to promote, build, restore and protect mental wellbeing.
Mental Health Promotion
Raising community awareness, and increasing participation and support for mental wellbeing, recovery and citizenship.
Our Vision
As a human right, every one of us will have the resources and support needed for mental wellbeing, recovery and citizenship.
Our Values
Respect - Understanding mental health challenges are a normal part of the human condition; having compassion, valuing the dignity, unique qualities, knowledge and experience of each person.
Self-determination - Upholding the dignity of choice, self-direction, hope for the future and control over our life and destiny.
Inclusion - Fostering engagement, collaboration and partnership; encouraging diversity and listening.
Integrity - Acting with authenticity and curiosity; being prepared to question and critique, critically consider evidence; pursue excellence.
Courage - Being persistent, tenacious and steadfast in pursuing WAAMH’s vision and values while acting with humility.
Guiding Principles
Human Rights - People with mental health issues can exercise all civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.
Recovery - People can live a satisfying, meaningful and contributing life with or without the presence of mental health issues.
Co-production - Individuals, their families and supporters are engaged in the governance, organisation and delivery of services.
Personalisation & Choice - People have choice and control over services designed to their individual, social and cultural needs.
Social Inclusion - Having the resources, opportunities and capabilities to learn, work, participate and contribute.
Cultural Connection - The unique cultural values of Aboriginal people and people of other culturally diverse communities are recognised in the design and delivery of services and programs.
Our Rules of Association
Rules of Association of the Western Australian Association for Mental Health [PDF, 393KB[
"There is an urgent need to expand the mental health system to boost community-based services - increasing access to community services will keep people well, out of hospital and connected to their family, friends and community."
Our Members
WAAMH members provide a range of services across the community services field - not just mental health support. When you join WAAMH, you join a strong network of community organisations and individuals whose voices are recognised for their knowledge, experience and effectiveness in influencing public policy to support people living with mental illness.
Our History
The Western Australian Association for Mental Health was founded in 1960 and its aims at this time were to provide voluntary assistance and promote mental health, the welfare of mentally ill persons and their dependents, and the education of the public on mental health matters.
The Board
Members of the WAAMH Board are elected to that role by the member organisations for a term of two years. Board Directors are elected at the WAAMH Annual General Meeting in October or November of each year.