Justice Systems
18 Jun 2015
Senate Inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
WAAMH's Submission and the government's report into the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2015.
15 May 2015
WAAMH Submission
This joint submission from WAAMH and DDWA to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 outlines why we don't support the Bill and how it will impacts people living with a mental illness.
28 Jan 2015
Policy Brief - DSP changes for people detained under mental impairment legislation
The Commonwealth has introduced a Bill which would remove eligibility for social security benefits for people detained in hospitals for ‘serious offences’ under mental impairment legislation. In WA, this would apply to people on remand and in psychiatric hospital, and those under the CLMIA Act who have been found unfit to stand trial or not guilty due to unsound mind. In March, the Senate referred the Social Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee for inquiry and report. Submission closes on 15 May 2015 and WAAMH encourages you to make a brief submission to the committee.
27 Jan 2015
Media Release - DSP changes will affect most vulnerable members of our community
WAAMH president Alison Xamon has serious concerns over the Federal Government's proposed changes to the Disability Support Pension and its affect on people detained under the Criminal Law Mentally Impaired Accused Act.
13 Jan 2015
Joint submission to ERA Prisons Inquiry
The Economic Regulation Authority is conducting an inquiry into options to improve the efficiency and performance of Western Australian prisons. Three peaks' WAAMH, WACOSS and WANADA have prepared a joint submission to this inquiry. More info at: http://www.erawa.com.au/inquiries/industry-and-resources-inquiries/prisons-inquiry-2014
16 Dec 2014
#CLMIA review joint submission
This submission has been collectively developed and endorsed by Western Australian Association for Mental Health, Consumers of Mental Health WA (Inc), Developmental Disability WA, Richmond Fellowship of WA, Debora Colvin Head of Council of Official Visitors, Carers WA, Mental Health Carers Arafmi (WA) Inc, People With Disabilities Western Australia, Bridget Silvestri, Antonio Silvestri, Alan Robinson, Seamus Murphy, Mental Health Matters 2 and the Aboriginal Disability Justice Campaign.
13 Nov 2014
Forum: Achieving Reform of the CLMIA Act
Report following the forum WAAMH hosted on achieving reform for the CLMIA Act.
12 Jun 2014
Custodial Services Review
This very timely report by the Inspector of Custodial Services is highly recommended. It examines the issues for people found to be of unsound mind or unfit to stand trial who are trapped in WA’s prison system.
23 Feb 2013
Open Letter - Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired Accused) Act 1996
An open letter to the Premier and Leader of the Opposition about the Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired Accused) Act 1996, published in The West Australian on 23 February 2013
23 Aug 2011
Submission - Mandatory Sentencing and Mental Illness
WAAMH's submission on amendments to the Criminal Code.