Mental Health Outcome Measurement

WAAMH is the lead agency in a project for developing outcome measurement guidelines for community-managed mental health organisations.

The project was implemented through a partnership approach aligned with the Delivering Community Services in Partnership policy. The project is steered by a consortium of WAAMH, Mental Health Commission (WA), Consumers of Mental Health WA and Mental Health Matters 2.

The guidelines promote personalised and recovery-based approaches to outcome measurement, aligned with the needs of individuals and their families. Please click the link below to download the guidelines: 

A Guide to Measuring Outcomes

Additionally, the project has involved jointly identifying and incorporating funder and provider needs and expectations with respect to types of measurement that are effective and most likely to support strong outcomes attainment for individuals and their families.

Literature and Concept Summary

The Outcome Measurement of Community Based Mental Health Services in Western Australia: Literature and Concept Summary was commissioned by WAAMH, prepared by Inclusion Matters as a resource to support the development of the outcome measurement process for community based mental health organisations.

The paper provides a brief overview of key ideas related to outcome measurement relevant to community managed mental health services and consumers in WA.  The paper has been written with the aim of informing the sector of key ideas, issues, concepts and approaches and is easy to access.

For more information on this project, contact Coralie Flatters at

Capacity Building Grants

WAAMH administered two rounds of capacity building grants in 2014 for community mental health services. These funds were assigned based on organisations' programs being in line with  the Outcome Measurement Statements.

Read about the services
which successful received capacity building funding for their programs.