Capacity Building Grants

Round 2 successful grant recipients:

Aftercare - Mental Illness Fellowship of WA

Goals and Recovery – people setting their own agenda: This project aims to implement and test a new system of goal setting designed with the client in mind. The system includes a new goal setting tool, ‘My Way’ card as well as an Australian, validated self-report recovery measure (Recovery Assessment Scale – Domains and Stages RAS-DS) that provides both the necessary conversation for goal setting and the measurement of recovery oriented outcomes and progress. An integral part of the process is the rapport, or working alliance between the worker and the client, and an objective measure of this alliance will be used to further inform the process, the Working Alliance Inventory (WAI). This project builds on initial work developed in partnership between the University of Sydney and Aftercare.


Ruah Inclusion WA Strategy: This project builds on the relationship established by one of their local mental health teams with Inclusion WA, and aims to develop the capacity of the organisation and all of their mental health workers to support social inclusion and community belonging outcomes for the people they work with.

St Patrick's Community Support Central / 55 Central

Outcomes Measurement and Professional Development in Partnership: St Pat’s, in partnership with 55 Central, will adopt the outcomes measurement and case management tool, the Outcomes Star. A planned and comprehensive implementation process will strengthen the partnership between the two organisations while ensuring the Star is embedded in program practice and used to measure client outcomes consistently across programs.

Mental Illness Fellowship of WA

Understanding, Building and Measuring the Efficiency and Effectiveness of our Service Approaches: This project seeks to develop the capacity of the organisation to understand and analyse, through program logic methodology, current service approaches with the ultimate aim of improving service practice. The project will take managers, team members, board members and consumers through a process of identifying program outcomes and developing methodology to understand, articulate and measure program outcomes and indicators.

Round 1 successful grant recipients:

Collie Family Centre

Determine approaches to successfully integrate services in order to improve service responses through consultation with mental health providers. As a result of consultation the aim is to develop referral protocols, MOUs, coordinated care models and flexibility with criteria to catering for individual client needs.

Gosnells Women's Health Centre

The development of a range of professional development training packages specific to working with women with post natal depression and/or anxiety.

Midland Women Health Care Place

The development of a resource manual to interpret general provisions for the purchase of community services by public authorities.

Perth Inner City Youth Service (PICYS)

The development of a manual which presents best practice in the delivery of services to youth who have a mental illness or are dealing with mental health issues. The manual focuses on recovery models, with strategies, training and the development of a suite of policies and procedures.

Southern Cross Care

The development of a learning framework which will assist the organisation to move towards individualised practice. This framework will provide staff with the required knowledge, skills and attributes to successfully implement the new service delivery model.


The engagement, training and development of a person with lived experience of a mental illness to be a consumer representative on the Mental Health and Homelessness Advisory Committee. The focus of the position is to move consumer advocacy to a level of autonomy and independence that is driven by the consumer voice.

Women's Healthworks

1.    The development of a program manual for Making Sense of Motherhood, a peer led program for women with post natal depression and/or anxiety.
2.    In partnership with Community Midwifery WA, undertake a comparative, longitudinal evaluation to measure, enhance and improve peer led programs for women with post natal depression and/or anxiety.