The Design Station, A Guide to Collaborative Design Processes

WAAMH has received strong input from its member organisations, people with lived experience and others on the need for WAAMH to support the sector in maturing its practice in co-production and lived experience partnership, and in building the advocacy, partnership and leadership capacity of people with lived experience.

WAAMH is committed to support the sector in maturing its practice in co-creation, co-design and co-production and lived experience partnership. In support of this commitment WAAMH facilitated the Increasing Member Participation: Advocacy and co-creation, co-design and co-production (IMPACT).

With the support of the Western Australian Department of Finance the project aimed to Up-skill the mental health sector workers and empowering them with practical skills and tools for integrating co-creation, co-design and co-production within their own contexts, fosters and supports a new generation of consumer and carer advocates, amplifying their voices.

At the conclusion of the project WAAMH identified the need for a toolkit to strengthen WA’s commitment in moving towards a model for collaboration. ‘The Design Station, A guide to collaborative design processes’, helps strengthen the development and delivery of community services.

To access the toolkit, click here.

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The 'Increasing Member Participation: Advocacy and Co-design Training' project is provided by the WA Association for Mental Health in partnership with the State Government through the Department of Finance.