Watch this space: Future of the NMHC

The Australian has reported a Coalition decision to remove independence from the national advisory body for mental health. The National Mental Health Commission is no longer to be a standalone agency and will be absorbed into The Department of Health, the newspaper reported on September 19.

If confirmed, the change would risk taking momentum out of national mental health reform. Over a decade ago the Australian government recognised that improving the lives of people with mental health issues and their families required action across many domains of life, not just the health domain, and the creation of the NMHC as an independent entity was a powerful driver for this vision. Since its establishment the Commission has maintained an absolute focus on the expressed whole of life needs of people with mental illness and has been active in issues as disparate as employment and housing, as well as health.

WAAMH is seeking clarity on the new government’s position on the NMHC and will keep members posted.