WAAMH's new president

WAAMH members elected Alison Xamon as the new president of the Association at the Annual General Meeting on October 30. Alison is a former member of state parliament where she held the opposition Mental Health portfolio, a lawyer and a passionate mental health advocate. She is an experienced director and well known to our members.

Alison brings a wealth of experience to the position and possesses both a strong understanding of the mental health sector alongside extensive board and media exposure.

Former WAAMH president John Gherardi officially announced Alison Xamon would be his replacement as he stepped down after five years in the role.

John is very well known in the mental health sector and held in high esteem by his colleagues, fellow board members and WAAMH staff.

John has made a valuable and profound contribution to the Association and will be missed both professionally and personally, for his dedication, focus, passion and great sense of humour.

WAAMH wishes John all the best for his retirement and looks forward to entering an exciting phase for mental health working with Alison.

In other board changes, we welcome Marina Korica and Helen Lynes to the board as directors and say goodbye to Mental Illness Fellowship CEO Sandra Vidot, who stepped down after two years in the role.