Tips for a mentally healthy #Christmas

HEALTHY tips to help you in the lead up the festive season have been sourced from Assure Programs Psychologists.

1.  Positive People Management (family, friends, customers)
• Have realistic expectations - stress can lead people to act more insensitively, rush or to be on edge
• Anticipate misunderstandings – aim to be tolerant and patient - you can’t make everyone happy
• Take a positive focus - tune out bad or inappropriate behaviour and tune in good behaviour.
• Forget any family problems that have arisen during the year. Play the peacemaker for just one day.
• Saying ‘No’ - Be direct and concise, considerate not overly apologetic, remember you’re saying ‘No’ to the request not the person.
• In case of conflict:
• Manage your feelings - Relax & talk sense to yourself – “I’m cool & calm, I can manage this ok”
• Deal with the emotion first – Slow down the conversation, listen to clarify what is being said/heard
• If still unresolved - agree to differ and try to change topic.

2.  Budgeting
• Budget early in collaboration with family stakeholders
• Include extras - presents, food, fuel, alcohol, taxis, decorations, postage, pet boarding etc
• Set limits on what you can afford. Do not feel pressure to overspend - It’s the thought that counts.
• Make a gift list and decide a $ limit for each person before hitting shops
• Be open - others may be relieved to hear you can’t afford elaborate gifts and feel less pressured.
• Purchase gifts throughout the year or during sales.  January is a time to stock up on cards, gift wrapping and stocking fillers for the next Christmas.

3.  Time Management
Before Christmas day:
• Make lists (presents, cards to write, food to purchase, what to cook and when to start cooking)
• Wrap presents as soon as you buy them or get them wrapped at department stores
• If affordable, hire home help to clean the house and tidy the garden the week before Christmas (that could be your present!)
• If you plan to bake, start earlier in the month and freeze what you can or purchase prepared food, sauces, puddings - you don’t need to be a hero.
• Set the table the night before and plan how you would like Christmas day to unfold - but stay flexible.
On Christmas day:
• Expect things to take longer than you plan, allow extra time and don’t over load your day
• Assign tasks to each family member - half the fun of Christmas is having everyone involved.

4.  Self Preservation
• Try to get some time out for you - even if it’s just 10 minutes
• Relaxation - deep breathing, body scanning, tension release, gentle stretching
• Try to remember your health – sleep and rest, drive safely, eat and drink sensibly
• At the Christmas Party - brush up on your conversation skills - practice starters/endings, avoid topics too provocative or over-familiar, eat & drink well - set limits, slow your pace and keep hydrated
• If work pressures seem to be unmanageable, talk to your Human Resources advisor or Manager regarding options for additional workload or relief support
• Personal strategies and support – See your EAP counsellor – 1800 808 374

These tips were prepared by Molly Robbins and Murray Davis from Assure Programs Psychologists.