Mental Health Week 2015 magazine

In 2015, Mental Health Week in WA is on October 2 to 10.

WAAMH was very proud to support this Health + Medicine magazine in The West Australian as part of Mental Health Week for another year.

The 24-page lift-out features key Mental Health Week events, great articles on the latest in mental health reform and plenty of information on critical community supports. Topics covered include Aboriginal mental health, suicide prevention, mental health supports for young and old, keeping mentally healthy with Act-Belong-Commit, and art therapy. Plus chats with Minister for Mental Health Helen Morton, Fremantle Dockers player Micahel Walters and Rio Tinto Wellbeing advisor Kristy Campbell.

Mental Health Week plays a key role in raising the importance of mental health across age, socio-economic, geographical and other divides with activities targeted to reach children, youth, and families, as well as government, community and business leaders. 

Download the digital version of the lift-out here.

See all the events happening around WA in Mental Health Week here.