Mental Health Commission adds value to IPS

WITH positive gains made in establishing four Individual Placement and Support sites in Western Australia, WAAMH is pleased to announce that the Mental Health Commission has extended funding for 2014/15 to assist with developing new IPS services.

Employment is essential to recovery. Employment gives people a sense of purpose, contribution and fulfillment. As part of the Social Inclusion Agenda, developed by the federal government (National Mental Health and Disability Employment Strategy), strategies have been developed to address the barriers faced by people with mental illness to gain and retain employment.

WAAMH applaud the extended funding as Armadale, Bentley, and Fremantle join Broome in offering integrated mental health and supported employment services using the IPS model. Referrals from mental health services are increasing and employment specialists are providing intense support with job search, interviewing, mentoring and post placement support.

It is hoped at least a further four sites will be established to offer job seekers an opportunity to pursue their employment goals and aspirations, adding value to mental health and employment service provision.

More on IPS.