Media Release - Federal funding crucial for services under WA's 10 year mental health plan

ALARMING figures revealing Federal funding uncertainty, gathered by national peak Mental Health Australia, reinforce the crucial investment needed by the Commonwealth Government if the recently launched 10 year mental health plan is to become a reality in Western Australia.

Mental Health Australia released results from its nation-wide survey of not-for-profit mental health agencies, reporting that 40% of respondents had experienced a loss of staff; 53% recorded a reduction in services to clients; 85% had lost trust in government; and just over half had no communication regarding the future of their Commonwealth funding after June 2015.

91% of organisations said if they did not find out about their funding, they would need to reduce staff and 88% said they would need to reduce services.

WA peak body, Western Australian Association for Mental Health president Alison Xamon said these figures were highly concerning and has called on the Federal Government to ensure it meets its financial responsibilities.

"These figures show there is increasing funding uncertainty for our crucial and local community-managed mental health services," Ms Xamon said.

"The 10 year mental health services blueprint for WA is underpinned with the assumption that the Federal Government will continue to meet its funding obligations to mental health based on current levels and this is not so assured."

"For the plan to achieve its full potential, the Commonwealth Government will need to meet its commitments.

"I urge the Commonwealth to commit to mental health and help ensure this comprehensive blueprint for our State carries the strength to be executed properly in order to support people with lived experience as mental health consumers, their carers and family members."

Read full survey results from Mental Health Australia

View WA Government's 2015 -2025 mental health plan