Federal election candidates need to commit to mental health reform

WAAMH has written to the 165 Western Australian candidates for the Federal Election seeking their commitment to mental health reform.

We have called for a long term commitment to:

  • Reducing the national suicide rate
  • Improving the physical health of people with a mental illness
  • Increasing employment rates for people experiencing mental illness and their carers
  • An increase in mental health consumer and carer participation and choice in national policy design and implementation
  • Maintaining current overall levels of investment in mental health, with measures that support full reinvestment of cost efficiencies and savings

View a copy of the letter here.

View the Report Card of their responses here.

Specific responses can be found below:

ALP Response

Coalition Response

Greens Response

View the media release relating to this here.

Thank you to Mental Health Australia for its assistance with these messages.