Complex trauma-informed care

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has brought unprecedented attention to the lifelong impacts of childhood trauma. 

The Royal Commission recommendations included the need to ensure access to effective trauma treatments to respond to childhood trauma as a significant cause of lifelong adverse mental health outcomes.

Complex trauma and 12-25 years olds

Progress in understanding brain development, plasticity and function over the past few years is now leading new insights into designing innovative treatments.

Research now suggests adolescents and youth aged in the 12 - 25 years range is the optimal, crucial window ideal for trauma treatment to have the most impact and life-long benefit. This is because the brain is more easily re-regulated during this period and treatment in turn should protect the next generation of children, by halting the transfer of trauma.

This age group is also the period of maximum emergence of mental health disorders, as the brain prunes connections for efficiency, but exposes functional problems when the most demanding developmental changes are faced, stemming from sexual maturity, peer social competition, and the emergence of independent self.

Technology is now helping researchers understand the functional effects of these changes and thus finding ways of re-training the brain to function normally.

At this event, we will also discuss the benefits of this approach in the WA context and what else can be done to support the victims of family violence, poverty, and inter-generational trauma.

This evening is open to a range of interested stakeholders in the community and will be followed by light refreshments, nibbles and the opportunity to discuss and share views and ideas.

About Dr Roger Gurr

Associate Professor Dr Roger Gurr is a psychiatrist and currently the clinical director for the headspace Youth Early Psychosis Program in Western Sydney. He worked for 10 years as the president of Amnesty International Australia in the 1980s, which culminated in the founding of the NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors. Dr Gurr is an Associate Professor at Western Sydney University with an interest in applying neurofeedback to trauma and hallucinations associated with psychosis.

Download and read the Developmental Trauma Service Proposal 12-25 Age group from Transforming Australian Mental Health Service Systems, here.

View Dr Gurr's power point slides.

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