Coalition responds to mental health commitment

New government answers questions on NMHC and its commitment to mental health

SEPTEMBER 26, 2013: THE Coalition government has responded to questions about its commitment to mental health with the National Mental Health Commission releasing a statement addressing media speculation it would be absorbed into the Department of Health.

NMHC understood it would simply report to the new Health and Sports Minister Peter Dutton, under the new government. NMHC Chair Professor Allan Fels said the commission’s independence was critical to credible reporting and advice and to drive transparency and accountability.

“As I have said previously, we will continue to bring a whole of life, whole of portfolio perspective to our work,” Fels said. “In doing so, we will provide clear, independent advice to government and engage with all relevant portfolios and sectors. We look forward to working with the new government, the Minister for Health and other relevant portfolio ministers, to improve the mental health and wellbeing of all Australians.”

In other news, incoming Health and Sports Minister Peter Dutton has made a commitment to prioritise mental health in his first 100 days, the Financial Review reported. Dutton reportedly announced the move in an effort to counter criticism mental health was overlooked in the allocation of portfolios, and further believed he would be able to manage the heavy workload, which includes handling both physical and mental health, and sport.