Catch WAAMH staff at TheMHS

Below is a list of all the presentations peak body for mental health, the Western Australian Association for Mental Health is running at The Mental Health Services Conference this week at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Wednesday, 27 August

Time: 3:30pm
Session: 29 - Aboriginal People's Mental Health
Location: Meeting Room 3
Presentation: Working together makes us stronger: Creating conditions for systemic change Symposium (1.5hrs)
Featuring: Rod Astbury, Adrian Munro, Margaret O'Connell, Jason Ellis, Uncle Charlie Kickett, Aunty Helene Kickett, Aunty Joanna Corbett, Aunty Louise Hansen, Uncle Albert McNamara, Aunty Irene McNamara, Warwick Smith, Uncle Percy Hansen

Time: 3:30pm
Session: 31 - Peer Workforce
Location: Riverview Room 5
Presentation: Peer Work Stratgegic Framework (20 mins)
Featuring: Suzanne Velarde, Coralie Flatters

Thursday, 28 August

Time: 10:30am
Session: 39 - Keynote Melody Riefer / Individual Placement and Support
Location: Meeting Room 1
Presentation: Establishing an Effective Individual Placement and Support (IPS)Partnership to Enhance Employment Outcomes in Mental Health Workshop (1hr)
Featuring: Philleen Dickson, Cameron Hopper, Marina Chalmers

Time: 3:30pm
Session: 63 - Recovery, Outcome Measurement
Location: Meeting Room3
Presentation: Evaluation is everyone's business: WA's outcomes measures project; a collaboration between consumers, families and services Paper (20 min)
Featuring: Suzanne Velarde, Coralie Flatters

Time: 3:30pm
Session: 69 - Computer / Internet Assisting Recovery
Location: Amcom Suite
Presentation: Shine Mental Health eLearning (Recovery Orientation Package 20 mins)
Featuring: Rod Astbury

Plus, come and visit the WAAMH booth in the main foyer between Wednesday, August 27- Friday, August 29 for your chance to trial the new Shine program and grab some free resources and merchandise.

View the full program

Other highlights

Wednesday, August 27, 10:30am
Session 14 - Community and Connection in the Bellvue Lounge
Presentation: FIFO Workers and Families: Unsung Heroes
Sue Crock, Julie Loveny

Wednesday, August 27, 3:30pm
Featured Symposium: Veterans Mental Health in Riverview Room 4
Presentation: Your Country Needs You - A Call to Arms -But what happens when you return home? (1.5hrs)
Featuring: Rabia Siddique, Sarah Lacey, Chris McHugh, Janice Johnston, Jonothan Picton, Sandra Cross

Thursday, August 28 at 6pm
Encore screening of the acclaimed Australian documentary, The Sunnyboy in Meeting Room 1.

We look forward to seeing you there!