Board changes

Two new board directors were elected at our Annual General Meeting. Welcome to mental health advocate Helen Lynes and Fremantle Multicultural Centre manager Marina Korica, both who bring a breadth of knowledge and expertise to the board.

Helen Lynes has sat on boards with the Mental Health Council of Australia, Women's Health & Family Services, Pat Giles Women's Refuge and the Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre. She has been engaged with the mental health sector for 30 years and has extensive experience in community development, senior management and the not-for-profit sector. Helen has previously worked as the executive officer at WAAMH and holds a Bachelor of Arts, Post Graduate Diploma in Science and Master of International Community Development.

Marina Korica holds a Bachelor of Social Science, a Postgraduate Certificate in Women’s Health and comes with a wealth of experience in the health sector. She has been employed by the Fremantle Multicultural Centre for nearly seven years, providing advocacy, support, information and referrals to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, experiencing mental health issues. Marina is currently a member of TheMHS 2014 Steering Group, Multicultural Mental Health Service Providers, Partners in Recovery and the South Metro Mental Health Advisory Group.

Richmond Fellowship of WA CEO Joe Calleja was elected for another term on the WAAMH board, while Sandra Vidot and Sinead Flaherty both stepped down. We thank Sandra and Sinead for their contributions

Meet the rest of our Board here.