NDIS Psychosocial Disability Forum

NDIS Psychosocial Disability Provider Forum with NDIA Strategic Advisor on Mental Health

WAAMH CEO Taryn Harvey welcomed participants to a workshop for service providers on the complex space that is psychosocial disability and the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

In the video link below, watch Strategic Advisor on Mental Health to the NDIA Dr Gerry Naughtin present on the strategic changes the NDIA is making to improve access to and the experiences of the NDIS for people with psychosocial disability. Dr Naughtin also sets out other elements of the mental health service system and where the NDIS fits into this messy space.

This event, held on 18 September 2018, was hosted by WAAMH, and funded and organised by the NDIA. WAAMH particularly acknowledges the NDIA for funding the recording of these events to improve access to information for people outside metropolitan areas.

Recording link - Taryn Harvey and Dr Gerry Naughtin on NDIS for mental health service providers.

Slides - Dr Gerry Naughtin's presentation.