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Injury Matters

Injury Matters leads the way in preventing injury and supporting recovery by providing programs and services that enable Western Australians to live long and healthy lives.

Injury Matters WAAMH Associate Member

Street Address
Suite 11, City West Lotteries House2 Delhi Street, West Perth , WA, 6005
9420 7212
[email protected]

Visit Website

Services Provided


Dedicated trauma and grief counsellors provide a non-judgemental, confidential counselling and support service.

Who it's for

All people affected by road trauma in WA

  • KINGS PARK 10 km

Mutual Support and Self Help

Road Trauma Support Groups facilitated by our Peer Support Volunteers are also available.

Who it's for

All people affected by road trauma in WA

  • KINGS PARK 10 km

Group Support Activities

A trained Peer Support Volunteer with a lived experience similar to the person they are supporting can meet in-person or over the phone with a client to provide support.

Who it's for

All people affected by road trauma in WA

  • KINGS PARK 10 km