Avivo (formerly Perth Home Care Services)
For almost 50 years we have been working with people in their homes and communities in the areas of disability, ageing and mental health. Our teams are based throughout Perth, the Coral Coast and the Wheatbelt of Western Australia. People using our services enjoy being in control of their supports with assistance from people who are flexible and committed.
Ground floor, 30 Hasler Road , Osborne Park , WA, 6017 Phone
1300 428 486 Email
[email protected]
Services Provided
Personalised Support
Independent living skills, psychosocial support, advocacy and work readiness, respite. Individual Community Living Strategy. PhaMS – Individualised Community Support
Who it's forPeople aged 18 years and over referred by a mental health professional from a funded government mental health service. People with severe and persistent mental illness, who have been in specialist hospital inpatient facilities for an extended period. People with a severe functional limitation resulting from a severe mental illness who are isolated
Funded byMental Health Commission
- HERDSMAN 10 km
Family & Carer Support
Flexible respite and family support options for carers of people with severe mental illness/psychiatric disability and carers of people with an intellectual disability, to provide alternate or supplementary care arrangements and family support to support carers and families maintain their caring role. Support services for HACC eligible adults who have low level mental health issues.
Who it's forFamilies and Carers of people with a mental illness. Socially isolated adults who are assessed as eligible for HACC services and who have low level mental health issues.
Funded byFaHCSIA (Mental Health Respite Initiative. DoHA and WA Health Dept (HACC)
- HERDSMAN 10 km