HelpingMinds (previously Arafmi)
HelpingMinds offers free and confidential support to the family and friends of people living with mental health challenges, across Western Australia. Previously known as ARAFMI, we have been around for more than forty years.
HelpingMinds offers the following services:
• Assistance and support through the NDIS
• Counselling and support groups for family and friends of people living with mental illness
• Phone counselling for people in regional and remote WA on 1800 811 747
• Early intervention programs for children and young people (City of Swan, Geraldton, Carnarvon, Broome)
• Mental health programs for schools and the community
• In-school counselling for students aged 8-17
• Helping family and friends to understand their rights and have their voice heard

Street Address
182 Lord St, Perth, WA, 6000 Phone
1800 811 747 Email
[email protected]
Services Provided
Telephone Counselling
Who it's forCarers/families of people living with a mental illness HelpingMinds also offers a free professional counselling and support to children / you aged 8-18 years who have a family member with mental illness.
Funded byMental Health Commission FaHCSIA
- PERTH 10 km
Mutual Support and Self Help
Peer workers can provide support to those with family members and friends with mental illness through their own lived experience.
Who it's for18+.
Funded byMHC.
- PERTH 10 km
Personalised Support
Outreach Counselling and Support
Who it's forAboriginal carers and families of a person with a mental illness
Funded byFaHCSIA
- PERTH 10 km
Family & Carer Support
Flexible respite and family support options for carers of people with severe mental illness/psychiatric disability and carers of people with an intellectual disability, to provide alternate or supplementary care arrangements and family support to support carers and families maintain their caring role. Family Mental Health Support Service - Counselling and Support
Who it's forFamilies and Carers of people with a mental illness
Funded byFaHCSIA (Mental Health Respite Initiative). Mental Health Commission
- PERTH 10 km
Individual Advocacy
In WA ,HelpingMinds provides the only free individual advocacy service for carers, family members and others who provide significant support to someone with mental illness. The advocacy support is provided in a client-directed and non-adversial way, aiming to meet the needs of those who are having difficulties with mental health services, and other government and non-government services.
Who it's forAll Ages
Funded byMHC.
- PERTH 10 km
Education, Employment & Training
HelpingMinds provides a range of training programs, including Mental Health First Aid, Youth Mental Health First Aid, Gatekeeper suicide prevention, Ambiguous loss, Assertivenes skills, Coping with difficult behaviours
Who it's for18+.
Funded byMHC.
- PERTH 10 km
Mental Health Promotion
Youth Counselling and Support (Inc school Holiday Program). Community Education. Mental Health Community Awareness and Education
Who it's forYoung People aged 8 to 18 years who have a family member with a mental illness. Secondary School Students. Secondary School Students
Funded byMental Health Commission
- PERTH 10 km
Mental Illness Prevention
Early Intervention
Who it's forOur early intervention services include counselling (ages 7-17), practical support and workshops and are available for young people under the age of 18 in the City of Swan, Midwest, Gascoyne, Pilbara and Kimberley, who have emotional difficulties or are at risk of developing a mental health challenge.
- INDEE 20 km