WAAMH Submission: Delivering Community Services in Partnership (DCSP) Policy

In May 2018 WAAMH made a submission to the Government’s review of its not for profit partnership and funding policy – Delivering Community Services in Partnership.

While WAAMH is delighted the government is continuing its commitment to working with the NFP sector, the policy needs a significant refresh to meet its objectives of improving outcomes for people experiencing disadvantage. Our feedback, based on lived experience and member and engagement over the last couple of years, focused on the need for:

  • Problems with the policy’s understanding of co-design and the need to move beyond mere consultation and into genuine partnership.
  • Contracting and procurement that can deliver better outcomes for people with diverse needs across our state including enabling locally based community support for people in regional and remote areas
  • The need for a compliance function within government, to ensure the policy is consistently and comprehensively realised
  • Stronger focus and detailed guidance for the public sector in developing truly integrated services.


Contact: Chelsea McKinney on cmckinney@waamh.org.au or phone 6246 3003 to discuss.