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GP Down South

This GP in the Peel South West region is funded to provide free Mental Health Services in the South West of WA. It offers the Mental Health Services Rural and Remote Area service to improve the mental health of people with mild to moderate diagnosable mental illness, living in rural and remote areas by providing greater access to mental health services. Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS) is available in Harvey, Collie, Busselton, Margaret River and Augusta and surrounding towns.

GP Down South
Street Address
30 Minilya Parkway, Mandurah , WA, 6210
08 9581 3352
[email protected]

Visit Website

Services Provided


ATAPS Mental health counselling. Mental Health Services in Rural and Remote Areas Counselling and Support

Who it's for

Children, young people and adults on low incomes who have a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan. People with mental illness in rural and remote locations

Funded by


  • COODANUP 10 km